Funny facts is a blogg,with lots of different topics with funny details. Dexter,Philip,Stella and Emilia are going to write the different topics each week. We are 4 kids in grade 4 that are having a seperate English class. Hope you will enjoy it!

Stella, PGT

Publicerad 2014-05-26 10:12:02 i Allmänt,

Hi, today I want to tell you about a football thing, that's called PGT. It's a thing that a lot of jewish kids from different states, and countries play football. Our team is from Gouthenburg. We haven't starded the game yet but we will start this Thursday. I will tell you more about the game later. So far we've just trained a bit. But it will start soon! :-) I go there with my friends. When it starts, there will come two Girls from Norway in my age to live in our house. Becuase they won't have anywere to sleep. A lot of people from other places in Sweden and from Norway and Denmark are going to stay here during the matches. Some people are going to stay in my freinds houses to. :-D One day, after we have played for a while, those who want to, gets to go to Liseberg! It's going to be very fun, I'm going to ride HELIX for the first time! My friends dad is training us, he is also chairman for "ÖIS", the soccer team. So hes really good, I think. I hope that our team, are going to win, ;-) SEE YAH! ;-)

Champions League Final By:Philip

Publicerad 2014-05-26 10:09:12 i Allmänt,

This saturday there was a champions League final. It was Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid and I wanted Atletico Madrid to win. But they lost with 4-1. First Atletico scored a goal in the 36 minute and then Real Madrid scored a goal in overtime in the 93 minute, so it became 30 minutes overtime. Then in the overtime Real Madrid scored 3 more goals. I wasn´t so happy that Real Madrid won. But my favourite soccer player plays in Real Madrid and his name is Cristiano Ronaldo and he is from Portugal.


Publicerad 2014-05-26 09:59:02 i Allmänt,

Hello everybody, I have no idea what to write about so I'll just talk about some good bands or artists or songs
1. Blink182, band

2. Stronger, song

3. Kelly clarkson, artist

4. carousel, song

5. Kung av sand, song

That was a very short list but ahh.

Comment what your favorite activity is! Mine is.... Almost EVERYTHING!

Best Quotes

Publicerad 2014-05-19 10:37:18 i Allmänt,

Today I will share some of my best quotes that I like!

BTW I do not own any of these quotes and have found them on my phone.

Challenge: Wich quote is from a song?

1.Dont find love, let love find you thats why its called falling in love because you dont force yourself to fall

2.Stars can´t shine without darkness

3.Who are you to judge the Life I live.
Im not perfect and I dont need to be!
So Before you start pointing fingers make sure their Clean

4.Those who dont Believe in magic will never find it

5.What doesnt kill you makes you STRONGER!

6.Everything will be ok in the end but if its not then its not the end!

And now for two funny quotes! :)

U study...U pass

U pass...U get happy

Ur Happy...U play




Die... not good at all

So dont study!

JK! jk= Just kidding study or you die alone!

Lose your pen cant study

cant study bad grades

bad grades cant graduate

cant graduate get no job

no job no Money

no Money no food

no food no Health

no Health starvation

starvation die

so lesson DONT LOSE YOUR PEN!!!

As i said i do not own these quotes i found them on my phone!

I hope you liked them

my week end.

Publicerad 2014-05-19 10:16:16 i Allmänt,

This week end I´ve played a football game. We met Träslövsläge.To Träslövsläge it´s about fourty minutes from Särö. It was really fun, in the first half it was 2-0. But in the beginning of the second half they scored a goal. Five Minutes later we scored two goals. Then I came in, I was at the side and a player came and kicked me on the leg. It hurt very much I fell and he also fell but the reff didn´t see it so it wasn´t a free kick. I had a big pain so I went off. Five minuets later I came in again then I scored a goal. I was very happy. The match finished 5-1. We were very happy. When we came home we had pizza, it was really nice. I had a really nice week end.

The Best 4, Stella

Publicerad 2014-05-19 10:09:00 i Allmänt,

This weekend me, and some friends were in Stockholm. It was a ping-pong game there. It's called the best 4. It's a game in ping-pong in a lot of Scholls in Sweden. We slept in a classroom! It was fun. We ate our food in the school too. We played a lot of matches. Some were hard, and some were easy. One of them, Vestergötland, were really hard, so we lost. But then at the end Vestergötland won the hole thing!!! So if we had won that match, we could have won the hole thing. But we didin't, so we came at 6 Place. There were 480 teams at the beggining. But in Stockholm there were 24. Östergötland came last. At satuday, in the evening, we Went to Gröna Lund. It was really fun!!! ,-) The funniest one was two things. First the Ghost Round, you were suppost to just walk in it, but there came people dressed up as monsters and zombies. One came with a knife after us! But they were not aloud to touch us and we were no aloud to toch them, but they could touch us if we toched them! One monster was in a cage, and when we went past it, it screamed: GET OUT OF HERE!!! It was sooooo scary! :o But you could if you wanted to, go out in the middle, but we Went the hole thing! And the other thing that was the funniest was a 90 metres long thing you were up in, and there you spin around. It was really funny. But scary too. All of this has been really fun to do! :-)

Gothenburg Race:By Philip

Publicerad 2014-05-19 10:05:39 i Allmänt,

This Friday I ran a race called the small Gothenburg race. It is 2,4 km and seven thousand children participated in the race. There were many groups and in the groups there were 12 and 11 year old kids. I came on 15th Place out of all the groups and when I was warming up before the race two guys from the newspaper interviewed me and my family and they also took photos of us. It was quite hard and I ran in 10minutes and a few seconds. I came top 10 in my group. Well thats all for today. BYE!!!!!!

Gothenburg Race:By Philip

Publicerad 2014-05-19 10:05:37 i Allmänt,

This Friday I ran a race called the small Gothenburg race. It is 2,4 km and seven thousand children participated in the race. There were many groups and in the groups there were 12 and 11 year old kids. I came on 15th Place out of all the groups and when I was warming up before the race two guys from the newspaper interviewed me and my family and they also took photos of us. It was quite hard and I ran in 10minutes and a few seconds. I came top 10 in my group. Well thats all for today. BYE!!!!!!

My week end 😃

Publicerad 2014-05-04 21:50:00 i Allmänt,

In my week end I have ride scooter very mutch. I ride like 5 hours  on one day. I also have playd a lot off football.  Wen I rude scooter on friday I bought pizza. we ride at the school it's very cool.   This week I did 180 out to 180. 180 is ven you To a half 360. And out means wen you jump out from something. I also faild a trick. I hurt my arm and knee. When you ride scooter you fail some Times.  but the best thing about my week en dess that I foofund my new bar. It's could UrbanArt Bar. Thats all for  today. 😃

My Scooter:By Philip

Publicerad 2014-05-01 15:52:43 i Allmänt,

My scooter is called Mädd and it`s blue. I like it very much because it`s very light and easy to jump with. I bought it about 1 and half year ago and it cost 1200 KR. I ride my sooter or play soccer at home if I dont have anything to do. I can nearly do a 360 but I can do a 180 and I also nearly can do a tailwhip.                                                                                  Thats all for today,see you next time BYE!

Good things

Publicerad 2014-05-01 09:34:25 i Allmänt,

hello today I am going to tell you 5 good things 
1 Snaple IT is a evry nice drink. 
2Pizza evrybody knows wat pizza is.
3 Choklet maroubo diam flavor.
4 Ice tea. 
5 shoes
hop you likt IT. ('.


Publicerad 2014-04-29 19:05:32 i Allmänt,

Wazzup everyone!!! SO........ Ive been talking about creating a youtube account and on that account i will post gaming videos, challenges and other things!! I will be called Cinna∞Bun and yeahhhhhh. But i have some recommendations for some youtube channels! 
1. Pewdiepie
4.Cartoon Hangover
Pewdiepie plays videogames and has 26 million subscribers!!!!!
Smosh is pretty innapropriate but its kinda fun.
SuperWoman is a girl that likes to be funny and confess things.
Cartoon hangover makes a cartoon called Bravest Warriors.
NettyScribble animates funny moments in pewdiepies gaming!


Publicerad 2014-04-29 18:33:00 i Allmänt,

This weekend I was on a jewish camp. It was really fun. First on Friday when we came there, we ate dinner and then went to sleep. That night, at like 01:00, we went to the boys room. We had painted "DISCO" in our four heads. We woke them up and said, "It's disco, you have to wake up now!" And two of them thought that it was for real!! :-) So they put on their disco clothes and came down! Then we said that it was a trick, and they got pretty angry on us then. It was really funny!!! The day after that, (Saturday) we were very tired! The first thing we did was eat breakfast, and then we did some activities. Then at the night we had a real disco. It was really fun. We danced, (of course) and we did dance stop, we also did limbo. Some people even performed, there was a little boy who wanted me and my friend to dance behind him when he sang, so we did. It was nice. There was chips and stuff too. When the disco was done it was like 12:00. So we got to bed. The next day (Sunday) we woke up and ate breakfast. We also packed, because that day we were going to leave. But after we had packed we went to do some activities and som free time. Then we ate lunch, and after that, we went on the buss and drove home! I was there with my friend, so I thought it was really fun. I have been on thees camps before. Every camp everyone gets a thing that they are called. I got "The camps dancer".My friend got that too, because we danced behind that little boy you now! And now that was it, BYE!!! B-)

Adventure Time

Publicerad 2014-04-28 10:14:08 i Allmänt,

Hello, today I want to share my favorite of all time show with you! Its called Adventure  time, on Swedish its called Äventyrs Dags! It is a show filled with lots of magic and friendship and evil and imagination and drama and a bit of love in beetween.  There is a orange dog called Jake and a boy called Finn and many other *things* like the Ice King, Marceline the vampire Queen, Earl of LemonGrab, Princess Bubblegum, Billy and so many more!!!!!! Jake and Finn are almost Brothers because when Finn was born he landed somewhere Close to the Filth dogs, Jakes mom and dad. They took care of him and soon enough the dogs had a dog baby named Jake and the brother Jeremy (i Think thats his name) So do me a favour, go on youtube and search on adventure time episodes, there you will see lots of funnyness and magic! I hope you will like it!

Soccer Tournament: By Philip

Publicerad 2014-04-28 10:08:54 i Allmänt,

On Saturday last week I played a soccer tournament and my team came on fourth place. We had two teams with us because we are so many people in my soccer team and the other team came won. It was really fun but it wasn´t fun that we lost the game. But I was happy that the other team won. The other team got a big trophy and medals.

Stella, The Twits

Publicerad 2014-03-31 10:34:27 i Allmänt,

Hi, today I'm going to tell you about a book that I read. It's ritten by Roald Dohl. I think it was pretty good. It's about two people, the twits. They are really mean and very very ugly. Mr. Twit has some monkeys, he want to build an upside-down circus with the monkeys. The monkeys have two stand upside-down every day. Mr, and Mrs Twit are fighting. First of all Mrs. Twit gave Mr, Twit worms instade of spaggeti. Mrs, Twit had a stick. Mr. Twit put on a piece on the stick every night. Then he said to Mrs. Twit: "Look at you! Your stick is taller than you!" He said that Mrs. Twit had got "The shrinks". And then he kind of had to lift her up in a balloon to make her normal again. But anyway, Mr. Twit allways made bird-pie. He put glue on a tree, and when a bird sat there, they stuck. One day the "Rolly Polly Bird came from africa to the Twits garden. It wanted to help the birds and the monkeys. He said to all the birds, " Do not sit on the tree!". All of the birds lisend and, they sat on the roof instead. The Twits got so angry they went to the store and was gonna buy some guns. They told the monkeys that they had to stand upside-down on eachother when they came back. The monkeys told the Rolly Polly Bird and all the other birds to get the key and open the monkeys cage keys. They did. The monkeys got out of the cage. Then they wanted to mess it up for the Twits. They went into the house and took Mr. Twits glue. Then they put everything to the seiling. The chairs, the carpet, the table, everything! When the Twits came back, the monkeys stood on eachother again. Mr Twit said: Goo that you still are standing on eachother. They went into the house to loud there guns. Everything was upside-down! "What!?!?" They said. We are upside-down! "We have to stand on our heads! And they did. They stood upside-down for a really long time. Soon, their heads started to grow inte their body! And then, their body into their legs, and then their legs into their feet. Soon their was just their clothes left! The birds, the monkeys and the Rolly Polly Bird were really happy now. They made a thing so the monkeys could sit in it and all the birds flew away to africa with them! And they lived happily ever after! I thought it was good. From 1-10, I give it a 7, I think. I think you should try reading it. Bye! ;-) ;-)

Shoes by DEXTER

Publicerad 2014-03-31 10:12:00 i Allmänt,

I love shoes, my favorite shoes are Nike, Adidas and Vans. I have two pair of football shoes its Adidas and its Nike. My nike shoes I have costumised at They are purple,black and green. And my Adidas are black and blue. My dad bought my Adidas in stadium, they are very good, they are a little bit to big but I am going to use them in GOTHIA CUP. When I were in Thailand I bought some shoes. One of my shoes were Nike air. I´ve looked at the Nike air at home on the computer- I love them. And I also bought Nike free run. I bought Nike free run because I like the model, they are not so big.. I were going to buy Vans but I didn´t have money to buy them. I´ve also wanted Uggs  but mom said that I already have to many shoes. Next time I buy shoes I am going to buy Vans. I ride the scooter and Vans is skate shoe.

Malaysia, summer break so on

Publicerad 2014-03-31 10:09:26 i Allmänt,

Hello ladies, gentlemen, animals creatures DOLPHINS.

Yesterday my mom and dad Went to Malaysia at 4:00 am with the plane. My grandma and grandpa are taking care of me over the week. My mom and dad come back on sunday. I have the best baby sitter ever!!!!!"!!!!!!! They are so nice, they hardly get mad but they have good dicipline and Always take care of me nicely and fairly!!!!!!!! Of course i miss mom and dad alot. I really want them to come home from the trip. But i dont want grandma and grandpa to go either. Its a hard desicion.

Well at least i will have the best summer ever. First week after summer break i will go to 4H camp. You go paddling and hiking and taking care of animals and go swimming and lots of fun stuff.
Then some other time in summer break i will go to a football camp.

But now in april i am having a football cup in Askim. Its going to be so fun`!!!!!!!!

Peace Out!
\) )z
/ \

My Weekend By:Philip

Publicerad 2014-03-31 10:06:56 i Allmänt,

My weekend was great. On Saturday I went to the soccer field with my freinds and we played soccer the whole day,It was also very very hot that day so we took of our shirts. On Sunday I had a soccer tournament the whole day outside and we came second in our group so we went to the second best playoffs and we won that playoff,we also got a very big trophy.

What bitch means

Publicerad 2014-03-24 10:38:26 i Allmänt,

Bitch is a bad word to say. Many people feel sad and depressed if someone says it. But many may not know that bitch actually female dog. So instead of saying bitch say female dog. Though bitch know is not a bad word.
If someone says your a bitch awnser this

Bitch is a female dog
dogs bark
bark grows on trees
trees are nature
nature is beautiful
I take that as a compliment.

Smart huh!


Publicerad 2014-03-24 10:36:26 i Allmänt,

 I playd a football cup yesterday it was really fuck win came  to final. and we lost. I scord 3 goals  I play in särö dad were coatch. we lost against Mönlycxke. they had yellow cits

Table Tennis

Publicerad 2014-03-24 10:27:27 i Allmänt,

Ive gone in table tennis in two months.I like it very much because you get to smash alot.There are five different groups in table tennis and the first one is the best and i go in the fourth group but now im going up one to the third one.Well thats all for today!

The best 4, ping pong

Publicerad 2014-03-24 10:12:00 i Allmänt,

One day, Mathilda, Sonja and Smilla, David, Gustav and Albin played ping pong in the best four. I, Stella was the first backup, the second backup was Lynn, and the third one was Emilia and the fourth one was Ellen. When the team played it went really wel......... THEY WON! They are now going to Stockholm! And becouse I was the first backup, I got a medal too! But I didin't even do anything! Hihi! ;-) Bye!!! //Stella

kick bike

Publicerad 2014-03-17 10:29:45 i Allmänt,

I  like kick bike very much. I have  a kick bike  called Lucky. I bought my kick bike for 3500 kr I like it very much. I started witch kick bike one year ago,        BY DEXTER 

Funny Joke

Publicerad 2014-03-17 10:25:10 i Allmänt,

Guy:What did the sea say to the other sea.
guy:Nothing they just WAVED
Girl:that wasnt even funny
guy: are you SHORE?
girl: How do you even have friends?
guy: Stop being such a beach.

Dude you were so drunk last night

was i really

yes someone stole your tv and you ran after him screaming you forgot the remote!

Dude you were so drunk last night

no i was not

you were gonna go get a drink across the dance floor.


when you went over the dance floor you won the dance contest

shit im fabulous
\) )z
/ \

You were so drunk you cut all my pineapples yelling spongebob i know your in there

Math please stop asking me to find your x i have my own problems to solve p.s she is not coming back

Isnt it odd how people kill flys because their annoying. If people did that i would have never ever lived.

Funny Enough!
Now try reading these withought laughing or grinning!

Good songs to listen to or sing to!

Publicerad 2014-03-10 10:21:20 i Allmänt,

Today i will share my best songs with you.

1. Break Away by: Kelly Clarkson

2. Dark Horse by: Katy Perry

3. Let it go by: Frozen

4. Undo by: Sanna Nielsen

5. Happy by: Pharrel Williams

6. Down by: Blink182

7. Online Songs by: Blink182

8. Im Yours by: Jason Mraz

9.Price Tag by: Jessie J

10. Radio Active by: Imagine Dragons

That was my top ten best songs i know!
Let me know in the comments wich songs YOU like!

See ya!


the first match by Dexter

Publicerad 2014-03-10 10:20:00 i Allmänt,

I played a football match against Hovås/Billdal. It was my first football match this year, we played 2 matches and lost one. We had two teams with us, our other team won both  their matches. The first match we won with  1-0 and the other match we got beaten by 0-1. My dad were training my team. We had nine players in the game we played, 1  goalkeeper 3 defenders  3 midfealders and 2 strikers  I played striker.  We played with offside.           
One match were 30 minute§s.

My soccer game

Publicerad 2014-03-10 10:12:58 i Allmänt,

I played three soccer games this weekend and we won both of them but one we lost, on Friday I played and we won with 11:3.Then on Sunday we played two games and we won one of them with 3:1 but they were really good and the next game played we lost with 10:1.It wasnt so fun that we lost but it was fun to play them because they were good.The guys we played against on sunday had two teams and so did we.So the guys we played against and  won with 3:1 there other team were a little better than the first team we played against on sunday.

Stella, Dance

Publicerad 2014-03-10 10:08:00 i Allmänt,

Hi, I go to dance saturdays. It's called Bliss. I Think it it really fun. My dance teacher is called Emma. She is really nice. When we dance we first dance a whorm-up dance. Then we dance a training dance, in the training dance there are like pushups and stuff like that. It is pretty hard. After the training dance we dance the stretching dance. It is really good to stretch. Then we do the "show dance". Every dance we have different show dances. There are allso different themes. Last year it was a zombie/monster dance. It was really cool and scary... This year it is a wizard dance. We haven't lernd all parts yet, but so far it is really cool. My dance teacher, Emma, was in Melodifestivalen. Not singing, but she was dancing in a gold custume in Gothenburg. I was there to Watch. She was sopost to look like a OS "person". They did a pyramid, and she was on the top holding the (pretend of course) torch. It was really cool, Emma is a great dancer ! think. Finally I just want to tell you that you should really try dancing, becouse it is really fun!!!

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