Funny facts is a blogg,with lots of different topics with funny details. Dexter,Philip,Stella and Emilia are going to write the different topics each week. We are 4 kids in grade 4 that are having a seperate English class. Hope you will enjoy it!

Funny Joke

Publicerad 2014-03-17 10:25:10 i Allmänt,

Guy:What did the sea say to the other sea.
guy:Nothing they just WAVED
Girl:that wasnt even funny
guy: are you SHORE?
girl: How do you even have friends?
guy: Stop being such a beach.

Dude you were so drunk last night

was i really

yes someone stole your tv and you ran after him screaming you forgot the remote!

Dude you were so drunk last night

no i was not

you were gonna go get a drink across the dance floor.


when you went over the dance floor you won the dance contest

shit im fabulous
\) )z
/ \

You were so drunk you cut all my pineapples yelling spongebob i know your in there

Math please stop asking me to find your x i have my own problems to solve p.s she is not coming back

Isnt it odd how people kill flys because their annoying. If people did that i would have never ever lived.

Funny Enough!
Now try reading these withought laughing or grinning!


Postat av: Candy

Publicerad 2014-03-24 10:35:40

HAHAHAHAHA! De där skämten var väldigt roliga! Jag kunde inte läsa de utan att skratta! Vad fick du alla skämten ifrån? Jätte roliga!

Svar: skriv teenagerposts lolsotrue och drunk messages på antingen google eller instagram från misty
Anna D

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