The Best 4, Stella
This weekend me, and some friends were in Stockholm. It was a ping-pong game there. It's called the best 4. It's a game in ping-pong in a lot of Scholls in Sweden. We slept in a classroom! It was fun. We ate our food in the school too. We played a lot of matches. Some were hard, and some were easy. One of them, Vestergötland, were really hard, so we lost. But then at the end Vestergötland won the hole thing!!! So if we had won that match, we could have won the hole thing. But we didin't, so we came at 6 Place. There were 480 teams at the beggining. But in Stockholm there were 24. Östergötland came last.
At satuday, in the evening, we Went to Gröna Lund. It was really fun!!! ,-) The funniest one was two things. First the Ghost Round, you were suppost to just walk in it, but there came people dressed up as monsters and zombies. One came with a knife after us! But they were not aloud to touch us and we were no aloud to toch them, but they could touch us if we toched them! One monster was in a cage, and when we went past it, it screamed: GET OUT OF HERE!!! It was sooooo scary! :o But you could if you wanted to, go out in the middle, but we Went the hole thing!
And the other thing that was the funniest was a 90 metres long thing you were up in, and there you spin around. It was really funny. But scary too.
All of this has been really fun to do! :-)