Funny facts is a blogg,with lots of different topics with funny details. Dexter,Philip,Stella and Emilia are going to write the different topics each week. We are 4 kids in grade 4 that are having a seperate English class. Hope you will enjoy it!

Stella, Dance

Publicerad 2014-03-10 10:08:00 i Allmänt,

Hi, I go to dance saturdays. It's called Bliss. I Think it it really fun. My dance teacher is called Emma. She is really nice. When we dance we first dance a whorm-up dance. Then we dance a training dance, in the training dance there are like pushups and stuff like that. It is pretty hard. After the training dance we dance the stretching dance. It is really good to stretch. Then we do the "show dance". Every dance we have different show dances. There are allso different themes. Last year it was a zombie/monster dance. It was really cool and scary... This year it is a wizard dance. We haven't lernd all parts yet, but so far it is really cool. My dance teacher, Emma, was in Melodifestivalen. Not singing, but she was dancing in a gold custume in Gothenburg. I was there to Watch. She was sopost to look like a OS "person". They did a pyramid, and she was on the top holding the (pretend of course) torch. It was really cool, Emma is a great dancer ! think. Finally I just want to tell you that you should really try dancing, becouse it is really fun!!!


Postat av: Anna

Publicerad 2014-03-10 10:10:39

Bra jobbat Stella!

Postat av: mike

Publicerad 2014-03-10 10:18:45

Wow thats awesome.My sister is also called Emma.HAHAAHAH cool

Postat av: mikeD

Publicerad 2014-03-17 10:05:43

verkar kul vilken låt dansa hon till.

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