Stella, PGT
Hi, today I want to tell you about a football thing, that's called PGT. It's a thing that a lot of jewish kids from different states, and countries play football. Our team is from Gouthenburg. We haven't starded the game yet but we will start this Thursday. I will tell you more about the game later. So far we've just trained a bit. But it will start soon! :-) I go there with my friends. When it starts, there will come two Girls from Norway in my age to live in our house. Becuase they won't have anywere to sleep. A lot of people from other places in Sweden and from Norway and Denmark are going to stay here during the matches. Some people are going to stay in my freinds houses to. :-D One day, after we have played for a while, those who want to, gets to go to Liseberg! It's going to be very fun, I'm going to ride HELIX for the first time! My friends dad is training us, he is also chairman for "ÖIS", the soccer team. So hes really good, I think. I hope that our team, are going to win, ;-) SEE YAH! ;-)