My February Break!
On my February break i Went to Dubai and Germany!!! First we Went Three hours in the car to the Copenhagen Airport. At the Copenhagen Airport we Went to our flight to Dubai. On the plane to Dubai we got lunch and dinner. I got rice and chicken, chocolate pudding and some water. I also got an cool Little bag of some sort, it might have been a toiletry bag. I got a book about skate boards and a Little Dr.Suess book. When we arrived i took out my bathing suit and Went swimming in the big pool that they had. It was 25 degrees celcius! One day we Went on sand dunes with a car made for sand dunes. It was very bumpy when we rode. Mom was really scared! We took some breaks now and then. At last we came to the camp. It was really fun. i got to hold an traditional eagel that you get when you turn 15 in Dubai, We Went sand surfing. We just took a snowboard and Went on some sand dunes. Then i got really cool henna! We also whatched i man with a huge dress who spun in an whole 20 min and when he was done he wasn´t even Dizzy!!!
He lifted his dress and lights flicked on his dress. It kind of looked like a ufo!!! We watched an Amazing belly dancer. The belly dancer invited me up to the stage to belly dance with her. Of course i said yes but it was really imberassing!! We danced together with Three other small kids. I Think they were 5. They were pretty good. After that we Went back to the hotel. The next day we Went to the Dubai Mall, it was HUGE!!!! I found a big candy shop called candylicious. I bought one lolly 2 skittle bags i watermelon candy strip and willy wonkas gobstoppers. That was a lot of candy! I also bought
heelys its a type of shoe with one Wheel under the heel. They are blue and look just like normal shoes! We also Went to an arcade i tried to get a jake from adventure time. I couldnt. :(
After Dubai we Went 8 hours back on the plane to GERMANY!!!
We come on thursday night. We ate pizza and Went to bed. On friday i Went to school with mý friend that i was staying with. Her name is Ida. She is also Swedish. I had PE ART MATH and GERMAN. At recess i played with my bestest friend Francessca. She is in 6th grade but we are the bestest of besties in the whole wide World. After school i Went home with my friend benine. She also has a hamster, it al´most looks like mine. My hamster is called Maya she is gray with a black line acroos her back. Her hamster is called Charlie and is White with a grey line across his back. I stayed with her until 8:00 because Ida was at a party. At saturday i Went to a musical called Fiddler on the Roof. It had benine in it with her older brother bass who was the main character called tevye and her older sister who was the matchmaker. They were really good. After the musical i Went home with francessca and slept and her house. She has two dogs called Biggles and Augie. They are schnousers. We had a very fun time. I woke up 8 because i had to go 10:00. I miss her very much now.
That was my wonderful break!!!
He lifted his dress and lights flicked on his dress. It kind of looked like a ufo!!! We watched an Amazing belly dancer. The belly dancer invited me up to the stage to belly dance with her. Of course i said yes but it was really imberassing!! We danced together with Three other small kids. I Think they were 5. They were pretty good. After that we Went back to the hotel. The next day we Went to the Dubai Mall, it was HUGE!!!! I found a big candy shop called candylicious. I bought one lolly 2 skittle bags i watermelon candy strip and willy wonkas gobstoppers. That was a lot of candy! I also bought
heelys its a type of shoe with one Wheel under the heel. They are blue and look just like normal shoes! We also Went to an arcade i tried to get a jake from adventure time. I couldnt. :(
After Dubai we Went 8 hours back on the plane to GERMANY!!!
We come on thursday night. We ate pizza and Went to bed. On friday i Went to school with mý friend that i was staying with. Her name is Ida. She is also Swedish. I had PE ART MATH and GERMAN. At recess i played with my bestest friend Francessca. She is in 6th grade but we are the bestest of besties in the whole wide World. After school i Went home with my friend benine. She also has a hamster, it al´most looks like mine. My hamster is called Maya she is gray with a black line acroos her back. Her hamster is called Charlie and is White with a grey line across his back. I stayed with her until 8:00 because Ida was at a party. At saturday i Went to a musical called Fiddler on the Roof. It had benine in it with her older brother bass who was the main character called tevye and her older sister who was the matchmaker. They were really good. After the musical i Went home with francessca and slept and her house. She has two dogs called Biggles and Augie. They are schnousers. We had a very fun time. I woke up 8 because i had to go 10:00. I miss her very much now.
That was my wonderful break!!!