Funny facts is a blogg,with lots of different topics with funny details. Dexter,Philip,Stella and Emilia are going to write the different topics each week. We are 4 kids in grade 4 that are having a seperate English class. Hope you will enjoy it!

Stellas Birthday

Publicerad 2014-01-25 15:56:00 i Allmänt,

My birthday is on Monday. On Sunday are we going to have my family party. We are going to eat brunch. The best thing with birthdays is the people and the presents of course. :) I'm turning 10 years old. On top of my wish list is: Pure Seduction and Hello Darling, witch is two body mists from Victoria Secret, an iPad, a computer, Uggs, One piece, Headphones and clock. That is how I usually celebrate my birthday. BYE!!!!

Stella ;-)

Publicerad 2014-01-14 19:23:00 i Allmänt,

Hi. First I want to tell you that it's my birthday in 13 days! I can't wait! It's going to be really fun!

I also want to tell you about a really good book I have read!!!!! It was so good, but really scary too. :o I loved it! The tittle was "Tredje Tecknet." It was about a girl named Olivia. When she was asleep she felt someone breathing on her! SCARY! And when she took a shower, there was fog on the mirror, and when she came out of the shower there were two handprints on the mirror!!! SUPER SCARY!!! :O I won't tell you how it ended, but I really think you should read it! C:

BYE BYE!!!!!!!!!!

Jack Frost

Publicerad 2014-01-13 10:01:15 i Allmänt,

Look out! Look out!
Jack Frost is about!
He's after our fingers and toes;
And all through the night,
The gay little sprite
Is working where nobody knows.

He'll climb each tree,
So nimble is he
His silvery powder he'll shake.
To windows he'll creep
And while were asleep
Such wonderful Pictures he'll make.

Across the grass
He'll merrily pass
And change all its greeness to White.
Then home he will go
And laugh ho,ho,ho!
What fun i had in the night

My Christmas 2013

Publicerad 2014-01-08 10:41:00 i Allmänt,

This Christmas i stayed home. I really liked my christmas presents and the christmas joy. I got some Victoria secret body lotions and my favorite is its speakers with a glass box on top of the speaker and in the glass box there is water that flows up into the air to the same pace as the Music! They have lights to so u Think the water is colored! And they are really good at the sound that comes out of the speaker! I also got some minecraft stuff that was pretty awesome and some really cool clothes! First i spent christmas with my cousins and my grandma and grandpa at my house. Then i go to my older grandma and my other cousins. There i got a small present that was a orange flavor lollipop but inside there was a australian worm. AND I ACTUALLY ATE IT!!!!! I got much Money at my older grandmas. Then after christmas my friends from germany came to visit. They are Dutch though. They were with us at new year and so were one of our favorite Swedish familys... THE SYRÉN FAMILY!!!!! I have known her since i was 1 1/2 years old. We are the bestest friends ever except i also are the bestest freinds with THE CARTERS AND THE MONDORS! All of them are really nice! WE LOVE EACHOTHER (as besties)


Philips christmas break

Publicerad 2014-01-08 10:32:44 i Allmänt,

On christmas break ive been at home and spending time with my family.ON New years eve i stayed awake to 2:00 AM and then my mom told me to go to bed. I got many christmas presents my top 3 prestents were  ping pong table,golf clubbs and golfcart.

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