Funny facts is a blogg,with lots of different topics with funny details. Dexter,Philip,Stella and Emilia are going to write the different topics each week. We are 4 kids in grade 4 that are having a seperate English class. Hope you will enjoy it!


Publicerad 2014-04-29 19:05:32 i Allmänt,

Wazzup everyone!!! SO........ Ive been talking about creating a youtube account and on that account i will post gaming videos, challenges and other things!! I will be called Cinna∞Bun and yeahhhhhh. But i have some recommendations for some youtube channels! 
1. Pewdiepie
4.Cartoon Hangover
Pewdiepie plays videogames and has 26 million subscribers!!!!!
Smosh is pretty innapropriate but its kinda fun.
SuperWoman is a girl that likes to be funny and confess things.
Cartoon hangover makes a cartoon called Bravest Warriors.
NettyScribble animates funny moments in pewdiepies gaming!


Publicerad 2014-04-29 18:33:00 i Allmänt,

This weekend I was on a jewish camp. It was really fun. First on Friday when we came there, we ate dinner and then went to sleep. That night, at like 01:00, we went to the boys room. We had painted "DISCO" in our four heads. We woke them up and said, "It's disco, you have to wake up now!" And two of them thought that it was for real!! :-) So they put on their disco clothes and came down! Then we said that it was a trick, and they got pretty angry on us then. It was really funny!!! The day after that, (Saturday) we were very tired! The first thing we did was eat breakfast, and then we did some activities. Then at the night we had a real disco. It was really fun. We danced, (of course) and we did dance stop, we also did limbo. Some people even performed, there was a little boy who wanted me and my friend to dance behind him when he sang, so we did. It was nice. There was chips and stuff too. When the disco was done it was like 12:00. So we got to bed. The next day (Sunday) we woke up and ate breakfast. We also packed, because that day we were going to leave. But after we had packed we went to do some activities and som free time. Then we ate lunch, and after that, we went on the buss and drove home! I was there with my friend, so I thought it was really fun. I have been on thees camps before. Every camp everyone gets a thing that they are called. I got "The camps dancer".My friend got that too, because we danced behind that little boy you now! And now that was it, BYE!!! B-)

Adventure Time

Publicerad 2014-04-28 10:14:08 i Allmänt,

Hello, today I want to share my favorite of all time show with you! Its called Adventure  time, on Swedish its called Äventyrs Dags! It is a show filled with lots of magic and friendship and evil and imagination and drama and a bit of love in beetween.  There is a orange dog called Jake and a boy called Finn and many other *things* like the Ice King, Marceline the vampire Queen, Earl of LemonGrab, Princess Bubblegum, Billy and so many more!!!!!! Jake and Finn are almost Brothers because when Finn was born he landed somewhere Close to the Filth dogs, Jakes mom and dad. They took care of him and soon enough the dogs had a dog baby named Jake and the brother Jeremy (i Think thats his name) So do me a favour, go on youtube and search on adventure time episodes, there you will see lots of funnyness and magic! I hope you will like it!

Soccer Tournament: By Philip

Publicerad 2014-04-28 10:08:54 i Allmänt,

On Saturday last week I played a soccer tournament and my team came on fourth place. We had two teams with us because we are so many people in my soccer team and the other team came won. It was really fun but it wasn´t fun that we lost the game. But I was happy that the other team won. The other team got a big trophy and medals.

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